Kaplan protesters

Tel Aviv, Ayalon Highway Demonstrations
29 arrested in Ayalon Highway protest

Police crack down on Tel Aviv demonstration, traffic disrupted for hours.

| Avi Nachmani | 02.09.24

Netanyahu speech, US Congress, Israel, USA

Leader of the protest movement: 'Netanyahu, one of the best speakers I've seen'

Shira Margalit, the wife of a prominent figure in the left-wing protest movement in Kaplan, praised on social media Netanyahu's speech to the American Congress, calling him "one of the best speakers I've seen."

| Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 24.07.24

Anti-War Protests

Roadblocks as leftists protest unity gov't: demonstration declared illegal

During demonstrations for the release of hostages, a group of protesters began to block the road while calling for Netanyahu to resign; Police declared the demonstration illegal.

JFeed Staff | 25.02.24

Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv

During the fast: left-wing protesters disrupted prayers in Tel Aviv

Left-wing protesters disrupted the annual Yom Kippur prayers throughout the city of Tel Aviv, with demonstrators interrupting prayers by shouting "shame" and incessantly disturbing the worshippers in the place

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 25.09.23

"There is No Limit"

Netanyahu attacks: "There is no limit on the part of the extremists on the left"

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu strongly criticized left-wing organizations and Kaplan protesters who disrupted the annual prayers throughout the city of Tel Aviv

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 25.09.23

Lapid Supports the Activists in Tel Aviv

Shamelessly: Lapid supports activists who disrupted prayers.

Former Prime Minister and current Opposition Leader Yair Lapid issued a statement in response to the disruptions of prayers throughout the city of Tel Aviv and chose to criticize both the worshippers and the organizers

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 25.09.23

Ehud Barak in an Interview to the CBS Network

Barak on the protest: "People will die on the way, but we will win"

Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak was interviewed by the American CBS network, during the interview he claimed that Netanyahu was "unbalanced" and threatened that people would be killed in protests in the future

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Protesters Refuse to Evacuate

The protesters refuse to evacuate; The police disperse

After blocking the Givat Binyamin Road in the capital and not complying with the police instructions, the demonstration in Jerusalem was declared a violation of public order, and the Commissioner ordered an immediate evacuation of the road and its reopening.

Yair Amar, Srugim News | 24.07.23